That’s a good question — because not all CPAs are right for every client. So it makes sense to take a little time to figure out if we’re a good fit for each other.
The best way I know to do that is a conversation about your specific needs. To arrange a time to talk, give me a call at 781-341-3929 or send me an email.
Meanwhile, here are some things you should know about me:
I work closely with a select number of small business owners and individuals who want a long-term relationship with an advisor they can trust
I look at taxes as just one part of a much bigger picture. My clients want expert advice on how to plan for and navigate changes that affect their businesses and their personal finances.
I return phone calls and emails quickly. My clients know that I welcome questions at any time — and that I don’t keep a meter running on my phone.
I’m plain-spoken and patient when it comes to explaining financial situations and strategies. My clients want to understand their options so they can make the correct decisions for their business, their families, and their future.
I run a lean practice without excessive staff or overhead. My clients value personal attention and access — not mahogany conference tables.